Friday, April 25, 2008

The seven notes
today I read a book called "The Silent Raga' By Ameen Merchant.A well written book portraying the life of an eighteen year old Tamilian Brahmin girl and her revolt against the double standards in society. Was impressed by the forceful ending which was very philosophical in nature.
I quote to the best of my powers of recall.
Sa is for Sarpa the serpent around Shiva's neck, In its skin we see our world reborn eternally.

Ri for Rudraksh a necklace of tears on your chest.In every purple bead we feel our worldly breath.

Ga for Ganga the heavenly river in your wild hair. Her waters cleanse our skin.

Ma for Mruga the deer you hold in your hand. The world is just an illusion.

Pa is for Pushpa the lotus you dance on.That is our world at your feet.

Da for damru the cellestial drum of creation. It is the music of our inner world.

Ni for nisakara the crescent on your head in it we see the time of our world.

A meaning beautifully portrayed.


adithi said...

great start!
will have to read this book now
whose idea was the blog name?

myfavourites said...

All mine. There were a few more ideas which weren't available. glad you liked it. Forgot to put in one line That it also illustrates the seven notes of the raga Shankarabharnam which also means the Jewels which adorn shankara.